• Barton Gellman in The Atlantic, sharing research by Robert A. Pape and team at UChicago: “Only one meaningful correlation emerged. Other things being equal, [January 6] insurgents were much more likely to come from a county where the white share of the population was in decline. For every one-point drop in a county’s percentage of non-Hispanic whites from 2015 to 2019, the likelihood of an insurgent hailing from that county increased by 25 percent.”
    • How important it seems, to me, to speak directly and strongly about racist replacement theory. The census numbers — i.e. that white people will be a minority in the United States in 2045 — are real. What aren’t real are the imagined grievances of white people who look to that year as a doomsday. We need to say openly and unequivocally to white people: it is OK to be a minority in your (our) country. There is no ethically permissible thing you can do to stop that. And even if there were, it would not be worthwhile to stop it, because you will be fine; you will still enjoy centuries of advantage; our civil rights institutions, as long as you don’t gut them now, will protect you; and peaceful, mutually beneficial multicultural and multiethnic existence is possible, with living proof in communities around the country every day.