• The sickly sweet cherry smell outside—like Bottle Caps candy.
  • Laura Snapes’s interview with Bill Callahan.
  • How John McPhee (still) writes with a command line program that was custom-made for him by a fellow professor in the 1980s (New York Times Magazine).
    • McPhee describing how he puts all the pieces of a text into order before he even sits down to write, so that when he does start, he just has to connect them into prose: “Every organizational aspect was behind me. The procedure eliminated nearly all distraction and concentrated just the material I had to deal with in a given day or week. It painted me into a corner, yes, but in doing so it freed me to write.”
  • This tweet by @dontsave: “there should be a way to convey warmth in emails without using the exclamation mark. my proposal is U263C, unicode sun with rays / thanks ☼ / dave”