• The construction worker swinging a Toughbook laptop around by the handle.
  • Another construction worker marking the ground with a spray paint can holder with these artful flicks of the wrist.
  • The bunny tracks in the snow in our yard.
  • Three different major publications tweeting “epic” in headlines.
  • Thinking for a sec about how weird it is that garbage collection is a part of our social arrangement. It makes sense that we would need a public service to move waste around. But garbage collection is more than that: it’s tax-funded, on-demand (or on-schedule) DESTRUCTION of objects. Yeah, we need that for banana peels, but also for old art projects? For shitty furniture we don’t want? I don’t know how we’d tell the difference between reasonable waste and unreasonable waste to put into the system—and we probably shouldn’t—but it’s (mildly) surprising that the system exists at all.
    • Also, insofar as destroying objects is a public institution, why couldn’t we also have a public institution for offering up stuff we don’t need anymore to other people? Why’s that left up to the private sector (e.g. Craigslist)?
  • How one silver lining of winter is that you can leave leftovers in your car and they’ll be refrigerated.
  • Keeping my wallet in a front pocket instead of a back pocket and feeling a new lease on life.