- Thinking about an early video of Kraftwerk performing in 1970 and how they were doing that at the same time that, for example, Neil Young was releasing After the Gold Rush. It reminds me that there has always been a lot of disparate kinds of music going on and that it’s okay if what you’re working on doesn’t fit in to the “core” of culture. I think that a lot of musicians, especially rock musicians, are worried about guitars going away or rock going so far out of fashion that it’s only in the academy (the way some people think jazz has gone). But I don’t think you have to settle for relegation to the academy if history shows that new styles add but do not replace.
- Apple might deserve to be the biggest company in the world for this alone: they ask you to wait for service at tables instead of standing in line.
- Wandering around the Design Within Reach store while I waited for my iPhone battery replacement.
- The super friendliness of the employees there. They give you a bottle of water when you walk in as if to say, “You’re gonna need this.”
- Overall, being blown away by the furniture but also being annoyed by the messy craftsmanship on the underside of a few multi-hundred-dollar chairs.
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