• Joe Kennedy’s simple, great State of the Union 2018 rebuttal speech (I just got around to it).
  • Merve Emre’s reasonable but kinda pessimistic take on Katie Paterson’s “Future Library” project, where 100 well-known authors have each deposited a book to be released and printed in 2114 on trees grown specifically for the purpose, outside of the library, 100 years earlier.
  • The loss of innocence I felt when Dave Grohl said “white people dance to lyrics [not the groove]” in a comedy video with Kyle Gass (via Amos).
  • The first wave of Spotify criticism, about the infeasibility of the all-you-can-stream model, and now the second wave (led by Liz Pelly), about the influence of algorithmic playlists.
  • The longest nose I’ve ever seen, an older guy’s at the brick-oven pizza restaurant.
  • Wondering whether reading and writing about creativity (“meta art-making,” like The Creative Independent) is a way to procrastinate on our own art or if it’s just good, healthy rumination on this thing that we love. Probably the latter most of the time and the former sometimes.